Friday, March 28, 2008

i have gas... or do i?

so i made it all the way to age 29 without having run my vehicle out of gas.

yesterday, a series of events resulted in my driving all the way to the "agency" without stopping for gas. in my defense, the "driver information center" said i could drive another 47 miles on what i had left in my tank when i left the house, and it's about 30 miles to the "agency". but to my truck's defense, i thought it was about the same distance from my house to the "agency", as it is from my house to my office (about 20 miles). again, to my defense, 20 miles and 30 miles feel the same when you're a commuter. (so... 2 for me, 1 for truck... but i still lost?) i drove all the way up (7 levels) to the roof of the parking garage because i didn't have time to scope out a good parking space (for which i'm sure you and i have different definitions). i parked. i went to the training class. i got in my truck to leave and i get chug chuggle spit spat pleh and it died.


so i called hubby...
me: please don't be mad
[short pause]
him: ooookay
me: i ran out of gas
him: [sigh]
me: i'm really sorry
him: no it's okay
me: but i'm still really sorry
him: don't worry about it, i'll be there in a little while
[a couple of other comments between us]
me: k, thanks.

so it takes him forever because i've managed to need him when i'm in the middle of the galleria area at the top of a parking garage at the beginning of the lunch hour. it was chaos.

so i shmoozled him into getting some lunch with me... you know, since he was already there. :) i'm bummed because i ran out of gas... never done that before... i mean, my daddy raised me better than that! hubby seemed a little more chipper than i would've anticipated, considering he just spent about half his day dealing with my shortcomings...
me: you're being surpringly good-humored about all of this
him: nah, i'm just relieved
me: ???
him: when you called and said "please don't be mad" i thought you wrecked the truck
me: oh.


ChicChickory said...

I, too, ran out of gas for the first time in my life about a month ago. My dilemma being, 1am, major highway, stuck on a off-ramp with a severe curve, hidden from view of on-coming traffic. Thank God for Onstar who said I was entitled to 1 gallon of gas for free. :) ...AND surprisingly enough, prior to the tow truck showing up, three separate men stopped to help a damsel in distress. Nice to know that chivalry still exists....even at 1am.

Back to your story....I think I would from now on start any hesitant conversation with your husband with "please don't be mad" since he will think the worst and be relieved at the actual truth.

sondra german said...

yeah i failed to mention that i also have onstar, which is just the coolest thing EVER! but didn't want to use in case i had a situation like yours. ;)

i also came to the same conclusion... all bad news to hubby will be preceded by "please don't be mad".

Bethany said...

ha! silly girl. just like phantom boobs, phantom gas may fuel your own (or your truck's) sense of self-worth, but is less than optimal in application.

love you even when you do silly shit...

<3 b

Heather said...

I must confess I too ran out of gas but in my defense my gas gage was not working. I was driving on the freeway from picking up Clayton (2 years at the tim) and my car died right in front of Harley Davidson center in Menomonee Falls. The exit I was going to take. And yes it started to rain & my hubby was not home. So I won and the car lost!! At least that's what I'm telling my self =D

Lindsey said...

The good news is it usually doesn't happen twice in your life (if you are that type of person who learns from mistakes). I've missed your comments on my blog! :) Glad to see you back. And that lady was SO not being sarcastic. If anyone knows sarcasm it's me.