Thursday, April 23, 2009

two things...

1) i forgot to tell yall that i passed the exam i took a few weeks ago! the course was "Financial Planning for Business Owners and Professionals" ...the 5th of 8 courses required to achieve a CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter) designation. just 3 more courses/exams and i'll be Sondra German, CLU. yes, envy me.

2) i did it! i finally DID it! i left my house around 5:15 this morning and headed for the YMCA. i have officially started my morning workout routine! okay, maybe i have to do it more than once to call it "official" but it's my blog so go with it... this is the first day of the rest of my life! <\dramatic tone>


Christa Hagler said...

Yay! Way to go! Keep it up!

Lindsey said...

Don't do it! Just kidding. Do it. Just don't get skinny because then I will have to. I have no idea what all that stuff is that you were talking about, though. You are becoming a what?!

Heather said...

is there a dunken doughnuts near by???

sondra german said...

thanks for the support my friends! (all 3 of you!)

lindsey: i'm trying to catch up to YOUR skinny keester! i'm becoming someone who knows entirely too much about insurance and financial planning... that's the easy version.

heather: there is NOT a dunkin donuts nearby, thank GOD! but there IS a burger king which just so happens to have THE best iced coffee (large mocha bk joe please!). and there's never anyone in the drive-thru line that early. so yeah, i'm in a world of trouble.