Thursday, October 1, 2009

bits n pieces...

i'm sorry this information is coming in bits and pieces. pregnancy is a whole new world for me!

here are the questions people keep asking...

how far along are you?
8 weeks, tomorrow.

when are you due?
may 14, 2010

how long have you known?
since i was 4 weeks (sep 4).

why did you wait so long to tell us?
because i'm a superstitious nutcase. i wanted to get confirmation from my dr that that all was well, and that i am in fact pregnant!

who did you tell first?
um, justin. then ALL of the siblings and parents.

are you sick yet?
um, not so much. i'm pretty sure all of you who have been pregnant are totally jealous... but no, i'm not sick... and yes, it's fabulous. ;)

well then how ARE you feeling?
fine. mostly. tired immediately and without warning. hungry immediately and without warning. i'd say that's the only time i've even felt somewhat sick... when i hadn't eaten for some hours. peeing... all.the.time. among other things... but mostly... fine.

how is justin feeling?
i think he has morning sickness.

did i miss anything? if you'd like to know anything else, i'm happy to share. you know i'm a talker. ask in the comments section and i'll answer you there.


Bethany said...

i never got sick either. i did have killer heartburn tho... ate tums like they were candy.

man, i can't believe you're pregnant. it's frickin awesome.

Heather said...

Baby names?? I can help. I have A LOT of names that I'm not going to use ;)

Heather said...


Heather said...


sondra german said...

beth... me either! and i can't wait to see you in december.

heather... we already talked about baby names, i'm waaaaiiiiting! not really any cravings, but lots of aversions. nothing sounds good usually. any maternity clothes i buy will be from resale shops and goodwill... too much money. tho i did buy a pair of maternity jeans and texans shirt so i can be comfortable at the game we're going to later this month and again next month!

Jeni German said...

I bet you are going to use this to your advantage and have some of the most bizarre/exotic/strange cravings ever!!
May 14, 2010, our 22nd anniversary, cool!

sondra german said...

jeni... well that date works out nicely then doesn't it?! i would love some cravings right now. nothing sounds good. we need to go shopping. nothing in the fridge. went to sonic last night, ordered 3 different things, had a few bites of each and walked away from the table. but i did finish my cherry limeade!

Bethany said...

i craved reeses cups & general tso's chicken. not together.

Living the G life! said...

Thank you for the more detailed blog, thats the way I like them LOL. So glad you are feeling great!