Tuesday, October 27, 2009

our kid totally looks like me...

...don't you think?

except for in this one... this one is all justin.

we got to hear the heartbeat this time... a healthy 163 beats per minute. and they turned the setting to some thermal detecting thingee... and we got to see the blood flow! you can see it go down the umbilical cord, into and all around baby, and back up the umbilical cord. probably the coolest thing to ever see besides the baby. and when, on the screen, we saw the alien face turn toward us and wave at us. for real. it was very sci fi.

unfortunately they weren't able to do the screening because the kid is a couple of millimeters short. yes, i'm serious. i have to go back... scheduled for next friday 11/6. so i'll have some more baby pics!



Bethany said...

*tear* <3

Lindsey said...

I'm finally catching up on blogs! I will have you know that yours was the first one I looked at this morning and read every last word (well...just the ones I hadn't already read).

WTF about that boot/sandal?!?!

And your anniversary post was so stinking sweet. I didn't know you had that in you! When is your anniversary? Nathan and I just celebrated ours on the 21st.

Sorry about your hormones. I think mine are STILL trying to settle down. Your mind and body will be forever screwed up now, thanks to that little sweet skeletal alien inside you. :)

You don't know the gender yet?

Lindsey said...

And by WTF, I mean "Why The Face?"

Heather said...

boy or girl???

Heather said...

ok so you might get viking footies =(

Amie said...

congratulations to you as well! Yours is WAY farther along than mine. Funny how fast they grow - 8 to 12 wks is a big diff.