Tuesday, January 11, 2011

8 mos old today...

nekkidness. confirmed her first ear infection (a result of her second cold in 30 days... daycare?) yesterday after a rough weekend, complete with 104.4 fever and a few nights spent on the couch with mommy. she was so frustrated last night she was actually yelling. not quite screaming because that would probably have hurt. just loudly objecting to her discomfort, i suppose. once she finally settled in on me she slept well. hopefully, back to the crib tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like she is sicker than I have been. I am better today. Sorry she is so miserable. If I thought I would not give her a different germ I would tell you to go back to work and leave her with me. Hummmm. Up to you, momma.
