Tuesday, December 29, 2009

20 weeks...

the halfway point! i was actually 20 weeks on christmas day. of course i forgot to take a picture that day. so this one, taken yesterday will have to do.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

it's a girl...

but most of you already know that.

yes, we were going to wait until christmas. my appointment was scheduled for 12/23. and then i started going crazy. what if the baby doesn't cooperate? what if the doctor's office cancels? am i putting to much emphasis and pressure on finding out the gender? i decided that i was, and that i wanted to know now. so early last week i called and rescheduled for friday. we told everyone right away. and i'm glad we did. it wasn't the grand discovery i was planning, but that worked out for the best... the moment was there and over before we knew it!

so the tech checks out all the organs... look, measure, look, measure... and then she tells us it looks like a girl. i'm all "really?" she does some more measurements... tells us she appears to weigh about 10 oz. and then i ask her to check the gender again... i was so sure it was a boy! lol she says, "uh, still looks like a girl." and so there ya have it folks.

i think she's laughing at me in the photo above. besides really thinking it was a boy, i had to wrap my mind around actually having a girl! it scares me. because girls have vaginas. i wonder if we could sew that junk closed in utero... and when she's born, be all "gee honey, you were born that way, let's not mess with God's plan." will that level of blasphemy get me a stint in hell? if so, is it worth that piece of mind? i say yes.

anyway, i'm kind of over that feeling... but, for the sake of honesty, those were my initial thoughts. fear. but shouldn't i have the same fears about a boy? about raising a gentleman and teaching him about responsibility? welcome to my mind.

when we found out we were pregnant we went to target and i picked up a brown sock monkey for the baby. so when we found out we're having a girl, we went to babiesrus to pick something out to commemorate. we ended up with this cute little washable birthday hat (i hate pink, but it's the only color they had). and please stop counting my chins... show a little respect for the knocked-up, would ya?

something our little girl can wear every year (if she wants to) for her birthday. we can tell her it's what we got the day we found out we were having a girl... or we can tell our son it's what we got the day we THOUGHT we were having a girl...

i thought i had so much more to post, but i'm drawing a blank...


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

hubby's funnies (#9)...

so we're watching glee and the dog is restless, pacing back and forth... stopping in front of me every once in a while to whine. the dog is not allowed on the living room furniture, except on the rare occassion that i've been sick and wanted my puppy (a grand total of 3 times). the hubs thinks the dog is trying to tell me he wants up on the ottoman to be near me...

hubby: he so wants up there with you.

me: yeah that's not gonna happen. he doesn't get to come up here just because he wants to.

hubby: what if he's dying and wants to be by you?

me: then he's definitely not getting on the furniture! you know what happens when you die? poop... comes out of... your butt.

hubby: i can't believe your going to be a mother...

i laughed... loud.

[note: the poop quote is from the movie 'the goods' which we just watched last night.]


Monday, December 7, 2009

an update...

where to start?

um, baby stuff... i had a prenatal appointment last monday. i thought the appointment was on tuesday. thank goodness it wasn't one where i have to undress because i totally did not shave my legs! thought i could do it that night. ::sigh:: nuchal translucency results were in... all is well... lower than standard risk of down syndrome and that other trisomy (13? 18?). they drew blood to test for spina bifida and a few days later i got the result... negative. so all is well! just need to grow me a baby! they advised me that they have the swine flu vaccine, but they only have enough to vaccinate women delivering thru febuary. i'm due in may. as i'm considered a higher risk (asthma), and a few women have declined the vaccination, she's going to try to get me in sooner for the vaccine. i'll be calling this week to schedule an appointment.

me... i turned 31 last thursday. happy birthday to me. i went to austin to visit beth and cass. cass drove down from arlington. we didn't do anything spectacular but i had a fabulous time. but i admittedly missed my husband more than i ever remember missing him. it snowed for about 20 minutes on friday while i was in austin. it snowed the whole freaking day in houston! of course.

i can't think of anything else at the moment...
